
Material hoist installation and removal provisions

Material hoist installation and removal provisions
1, Elevator installation and removal work must be carried out in accordance with the construction plan, and assign a unified command;
2, material hoist installation, to inspect the Foundation, supporting metal structure and node, and mooring rope anchoring junctions and wall attachment for inspection;
3, material hoist body should be installed with fixed, bolted in node design drawings cannot be any hole;
4, a solid frame of material hoist wire rope mooring rope must be used. Attach the wall bar must be the same material hoist frame material, is strictly prohibited on the scaffolding will be attached to the wall connections, must be reliable and structures connected to the network. Top free height of the frame and attach the wall spacing shall meet the design requirements;
5, and material upgrade machine used rotating method overall installation or demolition Shi, must on frame body take reinforcement measures, demolition Shi must stay crane hanging points cable with vertical pulled tight Hou, party can release cable wind rope or demolition attached wall rod pieces; installation Shi, must will cable wind rope and to anchor pulled tight or attached wall rod and wall body connection solid Hou, crane party can picked hook;
6, material hoists should be installed sound sight, away from the danger area. Steel wire rope should be lined up inrolls, when the basket is in the lowest position, should be left on the reel wire rope not less than 3 laps.

